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Cows’ milk processing

The dairy collects fresh Italian milk every day from participating farms with which it has supply contracts.

The production phases are:

  • 1

    Receipt of temperature-controlled milk;

  • 2

    Storage in tanks refrigerated to +4°C;

  • 3

    Start of automatic processing phases in the following stages:

    • a


    • b

      Coagulation using the traditional technology employed for Giordano Fior di Latte and “pasta filata” stretched-curd cheeses for over 50 years;

    • c

      Traditional spinning in a mixer with dipping arms.;

    • d

      Shaping into various forms (from 10 g to 2.5 kg);

    • e

      Hardening in a double section tank.

  • 4

    Packaging with or without preserving liquid in a protective or vacuum packaging;

  • 5


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